Using The Remoska®
The Basics
The Remoska one-pot oven is an energy-efficient alternative to a regular oven. The heating element is in the lid of the Remoska and cooks centimetres from the food. It operates at a fraction of the power of a full-size oven. The Remoska is ideal for efficient home cooking and to take on holiday.

The Remoska cooks between 190 and 220 degrees-something between 190C/345F Gas mark 5 and 220C/425F Gas Mark 6*.
The Remoska is not a slow cooker. On the contrary, some food will cook faster than in a normal oven.
Simply place your ingredients in the pan, according to the recipe, (i.e drizzle of oil) and wait to obtain great results. It couldn’t be easier.
It is possible to prepare a whole meal for the family in the Remoska.
The Remoska works just like an oven, except that you cook from cold.
You can cook ready meals in foil containers; pre-prepared food from frozen; you can defrost and re-heat food.
You may place your food directly in the pan or in ovenproof dishes to fit in the Remoska.
Wrap portions of food in very lightly greased foil, ideal if you are on a fat free diet – fish particularly remains moist and full of flavour.
Your Remoska® could replace your oven, frying pan, microwave, rice cooker, steamer… and still save up to 80% electricity.

You can bake in a Remoska – puff pastry rises like a dream, and sponge cakes stay moist.
The Remoska probably cooks the best roast chicken you have ever tasted.
The Remoska may be used as a ‘Bain Marie’.
You can use the Remoska on caravan sites and campsites, if 240 volt mains electricity supply is available.
Alternatively, you can use the Remoska off-grid with a 5 kva or 10 kva system with battery back-up.
Remoska® Sizes
The Standard 2 litre Remoska cooks for 1 to 3 people while The Grand 4 litre Remoska is ideal for 4 to 6 people.